Golf Scramble

-8th Annual MCDAC Golf Scramble Registraion


Please join us for the 8th Annual MCDAC Golf Scramble to be held Friday, May 28, 2021, at the Metropolis Country Club. Registration starts at 12:30 and tee-off is at 1:00. There are multiple sponsorship opportunities:

  • Corporate Sponsor $250.00 = Team & Hole sponsor
  • Team Only $200.00 = 4-person team
  • Hole Sponsor $50.00 = Sponsor one hole

There will also be mulligans available for purchase the day of the scramble and a skins game as well. We’ll also have a few door-prizes. To register, just use the form below. You can also request a paper form by emailing

Our golf scramble is typically our biggest fundraiser of the year so I encourage everyone to participate and help us continue our substance abuse prevention efforts in Massac County. Thank you for your support!



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A percentage of your Amazon purchase will be donated to MCDAC. It’s easy! Just click the link to make MCDAC your charity of choice:

MCDAC is an IRS recognized 501(c)3 non-profit organization. Your donation may qualify for a tax deduction.