How many teens in Massac County are using substances? Check out the numbers below from the most recent Illinois Youth Survey:
How many Massac County teens reported using these substances in the past 30 days?
Percentage of Massac County teens who have used Alcohol in the past 30 days by grade.
8th Grade
10th Grade
12th Grade
Percentage of Massac County teens who have used Tobacco in the past 30 days by grade.
8th Grade
10th Grade
12th Grade
Percentage of Massac County teens who have used Marijuana in the past 30 days by grade.
8th Grade
10th Grade
12th Grade
Percentage of Massac County teens who have used Prescription Drugs not prescribed to them in the past 30 days by grade.
8th Grade
10th Grade
12th Grade
Talking to your kids about alcohol and drugs can be uncomfortable but it is necessary. Research shows that parents are the leading influence on your kid’s decision to use, or not use, alcohol. They will learn about substances one way or the other, so make yourself the go-to person for your kids when it comes to alcohol and drugs. Check out the resources below for tips on talking to your kids.
Signs of Drug Use In Teens:
- Recent, dramatic change in mood
- Change in eating and/or sleeping habits
- Lost interest in favorite activities
- Stopped hanging out with their usual friends
- Decreased effort in things like school or hygiene
Social Host Law – Is The Party At Your House Tonight?
It is ILLEGAL to provide a place or setting where underage drinking occurs, regardless of who provides the alcohol. Underage drinking risks the health and lives of our youth.
In accordance with Illinois State Law – Public Act 097-1049 passed on August 22, 2012, specifies it is against the law to “knowingly allow underage drinking at parties at a residence which he or she occupies or any other private property, public place, or premises under his or her control where any one or more of the persons is under 21 years of age, and
- the person occupying the residence or controlling the private property*, public place*, or premises* knows or reasonably should know that any such person under the age of 21 is in possession of or is consuming any alcoholic beverage; and
- the possession or consumption of the alcohol by the person under 21 is not otherwise permitted by the Act.”
Violators will be guilty of a Class A misdemeanor and will be subject to $500.00-$2,500 in fines.
If a minor dies or is seriously injured as a result of illegally provided alcohol, the provider can be charged with a Class 4 felony and sentenced between 1 and 3 years imprisonment, and up to $25,000 in fines.
Such a parent also faces the risk of being sued in civil court.
* premises: includes but is not limited to not only residences, but any property controlled by an individual, including a hotel/motel room, limo, bus, boat, etc.
Suggested Resources:
Parents Resources | SAMHSA
Check out these resources to help you start—and keep up—the conversation about the dangers of drinking alcohol and using other drugs at a young age.
How Alcohol affects your Kid's Brains (videos) - Ask, Listen , Learn
Don’t let a bad conversation keep you down. Your tween is mastering the eye roll, but an emotional response isn’t always a bad thing; it means they’re listening.
Is Substance Use a Part of “Normal” Teen Behavior? - Partnership to End Addiction
We do just about everything we can to ensure that our kids are healthy, safe and primed for success. But when it comes to drinking alcohol or even smoking marijuana, why does it seem so easy to shrug it off as “a rite of passage” or “just experimenting”?
Marijuana Talk Kit
“When I was a kid…” doesn’t really work when talking with your kids about marijuana today. It’s a whole new ballgame. Read more…