I’m Holly Windhorst and I’m the Program Director of the Massac County Drug Awareness Coalition (MCDAC). Welcome to our new and improved website! For anyone unfamiliar with our coalition, please take a look around the page at our mission, volunteers, resources and volunteer opportunities. MCDAC’s goal is to reduce substance abuse in our community by first reducing substance use in our youth and increasing our community collaboration within our coalition. We are focusing on more prevention education for all age levels. We also aim to educate parents on the dangers of youth alcohol and marijuana use as Illinois recently legalized marijuana, giving us a new challenge. Since our inception in 2012, substance abuse among 8th graders has trended downward. Alcohol and prescription drug abuse is down among high schoolers since 2014. We attribute those reductions to our awareness programs. We have participation and support from all 12 sectors: Youth, Parents, Schools, Law Enforcement, Local Government, Healthcare, Civic, Business, Treatment, Youth-Serving Organizations, Media, and Religious.
We’re always looking for new members, so check out the volunteer opportunities if you would like to get involved. We meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 8:00 a.m. virtually through Zoom. Anyone and everyone is welcome to log-in, listen to what we’re working on, and give us your input!